Comprehensive Construction Consulting, Inc. is a proud member of the Illinois Tollway's Program Managment Office (PMO) team providing support to the Tollway's Engineering Department as well as the Department of Diversity and Strategic Development for theTollway’s 15-year, $14 billion capital program, Move Illinois: The Illinois Tollway Driving the Future. The project limits for the PMO services are for the entire Tollway system and Capital Programs.
CCC staff repesents the Tollway Chief Engineering Officer and acts as technical and administrative liaison between the Tollway and its various contractors, Construction Managers (CM), Design Section Engineers (DSE), Program Management Office (PMO), and General Engineering Consultant (GEC). Responsibilities include making project recommendations and decisions based upon recommendations from the DSE and/or CM and coordinate to obtain approvals from internal stakeholders. CCC also monitors the constructionand/or design job scope, schedule and budget to ensure quality and on schedule delivery within budget. Other responsibilities include invoice tracking/approval and change requests; approval of construction pay estimates and contract change orders; coordination with DSEs, Design Corridor Managers (DCM), CMs, Construction Corridor Managers (CCM), GEC, PMO and Tollway staff to solve problems as they arise. CCC staff attends progress meetings with the goal of helping to facilitate issue identification and resolution. CCC staff also reviews construction schedule submissions and recommend time extension requests as well as ensures project documentation is in conformance with Tollway requirements in conjunction with the Tollway web-based program management system and manages closeout of DSE, CM and construction contracts.
CCC also provides program development and implementation support to the Department of Diversity and Strategic Development. a. Tollway Move Illinois Program. CCC staff proovides outreach and support services for diversity programs including the Technical Assistance and Partnering for Growth programs including coordinating training events, workshops, networking as well as metrics tracking. CCC staff also reviews communications and brading for Tollway Diversity events to verify that the Tollway's communications and branding protocols are followed. CCC also participates in special projects as needed including coordinating focus groups to help the Tollway to gather information on any barriers to participation that may exist for small and diverse firms seeking to participate on Tollway contracts.
The CCC Team was the recipient of the 2013 Construction Project of the year for Construction oversight of the Rogers Elementary School renovation project.